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NextGen Interns

A Partner Program Shaping Tomorrow's Leaders with Real-World Experience


Comprehensive Internship Program

  • Global non-profit and for-profit partner companies in high growth stage 

  • A multi-stage, self-driven development process designed to transform emerging leaders

  • Interns gain hands-on experience where they develop essential skills in leadership, cross-functional collaboration, and organizational efficiency.

  • We prioritize giving interns the autonomy to shape their experiences, fostering a proactive and entrepreneurial mindset. 

How We are Different

  • Multi-Stage Development Process

    • Leadership Development​

    • Role Development (Associate - VP)

  • Hands on Project Experience

    • Active involvement in building for-profit and non-profit startups

  • Autonomous Role Customization

    • ​Shape their roles based on their individual interests and passions

  • Free for students and universities

  • Fully Remote

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The Ultimate Goal

Our ultimate goal is to revolutionize how businesses are run by starting from the ground up, developing the next generation of leaders. 

By instilling principles of efficiency, purpose-led leadership, and innovative thinking in our interns, we aim to create a ripple effect that transforms organizational cultures and practices, fostering sustainable growth and positive change across industries.


No risk to the University, No cost to the University, No risk to the students and no cost to the students!

We provide the application, training and the opportunity, you provide the marketing of the program to your students and promote the program through your online and classroom channels! We use your name and brand to help bring on other global universities so that we can all make global change at scale!

Purpose led leadership
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